You can't browse a folder to select which one to view - you need to enter into a folder using the Windows Explorer file picker and simply view each file in sequence after that and if you get out, the application quits. With all its great features, it is missing a few that would make this the killer viewer app.

It's unique on-the fly auto correction feature is amazing for viewing less than perfect but otherwise properly taken pictures, in many cases saving you the trouble of editing them. I'm amazed I hadn't seen this one before! But to be fair, I've only recently started to look in alternative viewers after having used ThumbsPlus and Total Commander for decades.īlazingly fast, powerful commands, supremely configurable, truly portable in Global Configuration Mode (why isn't all software free from the tyranny of Registry Lock-In and the mess of files they leave all around the system), easy to learn. The Most Promising Viewer I've tested so far, and I've tested a dozen or so.